20280 N 59th Ave, Ste 115-448
Glendale, AZ 85308
Copyright © 2025 Cancercaregiversofamerica.com
We don’t ask for money for a building, we just want to provide the information and resources that every cancer patient and caregiver can have at home or ‘wherever’ they live or work.
Our new online program has launched, Online Cancer Caregivers Education Program, CCEP©.
Coupon Code (100% off): JACK
An education platform designed by
Cancer Caregivers and Patients
The Online Cancer Caregivers Education Platform includes:
Thank you to the Governor for recognizing the importance of Cancer Caregivers who are also ‘First Responders at Home’.
Cancer Caregiver Az’s Honor Wall was developed as a way for family and friends to honor and remember their loved ones who have been touched by cancer.
Donate $150 in honor of a loved one or just ‘donate’ even if you do not wish to write a tribute. $25, $50, $100, or any amount.
December 2024 Book Release
“Living with Cancer, a
CareGivers Journey©”
My writing journey is well underway! Watch for my new book, Living with Cancer, a CareGivers Journey© to be available in December of 2024. The goal of this project is to provide insights and resources that will lead the reader to be a more educated cancer patient and a more effective cancer caregiver.
It has been a 30-year journey that has taken us to 5 countries and 3 U.S. states. Over the years, my husband and I have had to find oncologists wherever we lived.
We invite cancer caregivers/families to send us your story of how you have coped with your loved one’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. And, please offer your own ‘advice’ and suggestions for what others can do to help.
All of your stories are important to us, and may be selected for future newsletters, the Book, and/or on our website. We will not include your name unless we have your written permission.
Maximum words: 300
20280 N 59th Ave, Ste 115-448
Glendale, AZ 85308