
Cancer Caregivers Stories.  This is why your donations are so important.

True stories from Conference Attendees:

“It’s been difficult to try to figure out how to help my friends with cancer.” one attendee shared. We taught her how to “read the patient” and accept what she can do to avoid the dreaded, “Biggest challenge – are we doing enough?”

My son takes care of his 93-year-old great uncle who has skin cancer. I take care of my uncle whom has cancer and cares for his 91-year-old spouse! I am their caregiver and taxi and drive him to treatment four times a week; to the grocery store, doctor appointments, etc. There are other local relatives who do not offer any help at all. I need to learn how to get help from them.

The ‘Iron Magnolias’ are what Marsha called her 4 friends who supported her through her stem cell transplant for nearly a year. She had cared for her husband when he was battling cancer and now was ‘alone’. But, the 4 women who had been her colleagues in the local high school for over 30 years were determined to be her ‘family’ and support system during her time of need. Now, Marsha is reaching out to other cancer patients like herself to help them as she has been helped! And, feels that this experience has given her a real purpose in life.

“My wife and I are from Minnesota and there is nothing like this program there. Thank you so much for offering this program. It has been wonderful. I have never taken time for myself, there is so much to do when your loved one has cancer. The yoga was just what I needed. I will be able to do some of these moves at home. I liked sharing thoughts and ideas in my group; it helped to assure me that I was not alone. I am a business person and I thought I had the financial thing covered and was not prepared for the aftermath of fighting with the insurance companies. I certainly did not take time for myself; now I know I should.”

A newly diagnosed cancer patient Googled ‘cancer caregiver’ because she felt that her neighbor, who is also her best friend, and was planning to be her caregiver, didn’t know ‘how’ to help her. They both came to the seminar and were grateful to hear how other caregivers were dealing with this frightening disease. They also meet some wonderful community resources that were presenting that morning. They both left feeling that they had a ‘team’ to help and encourage them in their ‘cancer journey’.

“I am so glad that I learned about your cancer caregivers’ program from the TV spot on Ch.5. I am my daughter’s caregiver and have had a terrible time dealing with the doctor’s about managing her pain. Having a chance to hear from other caregivers’ and also getting ‘real information ‘ about cancer resources that I could turn to really makes a difference…Thank you!” – Pat L.

Your Story is Important

We invite cancer caregivers/families to send us your story of how you have coped with your loved one’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. And, please offer your own ‘advice’ and suggestions for what others can do to help.

All of your stories are important to us, and may be selected for future newsletters, the  Book, and/or on our website. We will not include your name unless we have your written permission.

Maximum words: 300

Your Story is Important

We invite cancer caregivers/families to send us your story of how you have coped with your loved one’s cancer diagnosis and treatment. And, please offer your own ‘advice’ and suggestions for what others can do to help.

All of your stories are important to us, and may be selected for future newsletters, the  Book, and/or on our website. We will not include your name unless we have your written permission.

Maximum words: 300

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